PatternMaker is a CAD program written for fashion designers. It creates made to measure patterns through it's use of macros. MacroGenerator allows designers to create their own macros is well integrated with PatternMaker. It can launch PatternMaker for testing or for editing which is very nice. Copying or mirroring a piece is easy with CAD tools but difficult in PatternMaker.
Unforunately for Macintosh users PatternMaker is a Windows program. Bootcamp or Parelles work but require installing Windows. Wine also works but is very complicated to install, requiring homebrew and Xcode. Crossovers can be used to install but is an additional program to purchase and doesn't let MacroGenerator launch PatternMaker.
PlayOnMac is an ideal solution. It doesn't require Windows to be installed. Instead it emulate Windows by using wine. Unlike Crossovers it is open source and free. It installs Wine and creates a virtual machine for each program, but can be configured to allow multiple programs in a machine.
Installing PatternMaker and MacroGenertor on PlayOnMac is not difficult but requires some hunting around to resolve some problems that come up. This walk through explains how to resolve the programs and getting the program working.